Quick Salon Valuation Summary
What is your salon worth?
Sign up for our Quick Salon Valuation Summary
key data analysis
Once receiving payment and access to your financial data, we will perform a data analysis to find the pertinent financial information that will make up your salon valuation summary.
Expert financial Review
We will review the results of the data analysis and combine the data to determine the value of your salon. Then we will create a brief summary to clearly explain the valuation of your business.
1:1 Meeting
Finally, we will provide you with your Quick Salon Valuation Summary and will give you the option to briefly discuss with us any questions you may have with a 15 min 1:1 meeting.
Meet THE Expert
William Ross
Hi, I'm William Ross, and I love working with hair and beauty professionals. I help beauty and salon professionals manage and grow their business financials without having to pull their hair out in the process.
As a small business owner in the hair and beauty industry myself, I understand the challenges of keeping up with your business finances while working in and running your business. I'd love to help you understand the value of your salon while arming you with the necessary information to approach this transition with confidence and clarity.
On the following page, you will need to make payment for the valuation. Payment can be made via electronic bank payment (ACH), debit or credit card.
After making payment, you will need to grant us access to three years of your salon's financial data. This includes P&L's, Balance Sheets, and Tax Returns.
Once you finish the previous steps, you can schedule your 1:1 meeting to receive and review your summary for the salon valuation.
How much is my salon worth? Quickly KNOW exactly where your salon stands with our professional valuation:
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